Rabu, 27 April 2016

SOUTH KOREA TRIP (2016): Gapyeong Day Trip Part 1 - Nami Island

That day, I was planning to tour around Gapyeong using Gapyeong City Tour Bus. What's interesting in Gapyeong? Well, if you know Nami Island & Petite France, both of those places are in or nearby Gapyeong. Gapyeong is a county in Gyeonggi Province, surrounded by mountains and a river. You could reach Gapyeong by using bus or train from Seoul Metro lines you could transfer to GJ line and stop at Gapyeong Station. From this station, you could wait for the Gapyeong City Tour Bus to tour around the area. So, my first destination that day was Nami Island, let's check this post out and have some Winter Sonata moments.

I arrived at Gapyeong Station with friends around 8.30 in the morning at it was so freezing, apparently it was -5°C. No wonder. The tour bus should be arriving at the station around 9.10 AM, but since we couldn't bear the cold, we decided just to take taxi to Nami Island.

The fare was around KRW 3,700 from the station to Nami Island parking lot entrance, not bad. Across the street you could see Winter Sonata restaurant. I wonder if Nami Island would be so famous if that TV series never exist.

So, Nami Island is a half moon shaped isle, formed as a result of the construction of Cheongpyeong Dam. and on it is the grave of General Nami, who led a great victory against the rebels in the 13th year of the 7th king of the Joseon Dynasty, King Sejo - so the name Nami came from the General name. Actually Namisum is located 3.8 km from Gapyeong County, but belongs to Chuncheon in Gangwon-do. But still, it is one of the course for the Gapyeong Tour Bus.

To enter Nami Island, we need to buy the Naminara Republic Entry Visa for KRW 8,000. After purchasing the visa, we need to stand by and wait for the ferry to get across the river. Other than crossing the river by boat to reach Nami Island, you could also ride the zip-wire for KRW 38,000. It only took a few seconds to get across by zip-wire. So if you're not an acrophobia and willing to spend more, do try the zip-wire.

Nearby the ticket booth, there's a cozy cafe to sit and have a cup of tea or coffee while waiting for the next ferry to come.

Here comes the ferry! It only took around 5-10 minutes to get across.

Welcome to Nami Island! As you could see, there were still traces of snow on the rocks in the middle of March.

And you could see ice here and there. I even slipped on the icy ground once.

What's inside Nami Island? There are several themed gardens, exhibition galleries, performance halls, restaurants, and others. Let's take a look.

Hello ostrich!

So what do you think about Nami Island through those pictures? I think this place is quite pretty and photogenic with lines of tall trees, lake, where you could meet animals like squirrels and ostriches. A perfect place for those who enjoy strolling around the nature and breathe the fresh air. It is also a perfect place for couples I guess, this place has that romantic vibe.

Hungry while visiting this island? Don't worry, there are several restaurants here. And because it was quite freezing that day, we chose to eat something hot and soupy. So we entered this Korean Cuisine restaurant called Nammoon.

We were just so happy just to enter the restaurant, escaping from the cold air outside. Aah, finally it was warm. 

We ordered all soupy dishes, and as usual, the banchan (side dishes) were served first. And not so long after that, our steamy soupy dishes were served.

Galbitang (Beef Ribs Soup) - KRW 12,000

Hanu Gukbab (Korean Prime Beef Soup with Rice) - KRW 10,000

Bulgogi in Hotpot - KRW 10,000

Everything I tried was good. I guess hot soupy beef dish is just perfect for such weather.

After filling my tummy with the food, I continued to explore the island. Well, if you're too lazy to walk, you could rent something like this, or maybe you could rent a bike.

Don't forget to take the mandatory pictures in between the lines of trees.

Maybe, because this island is so famous that people from all around the world visited this place, they display the snowman statue in different traditional clothing to greet the visitors.

Selamat datang!

I found an interesting scene. Winter stroller?

Overall, I think Nami Island worth a visit. You could spend around 3-4 hours here, strolling around, take some pictures, have lunch, and hop on the tour bus to visit another tourist site. You need to schedule your visit if you're going to use the Gapyeong Tour Bus, so you won't miss the next bus.

We left Nami Island around 1 PM to catch the next Gapyeong tour bus, but apparently the bus wasn't on time. It was 45 minutes late from the schedule, and the line was getting longer. Luckily we got seats as we were the front liners. Yes, you might have to stand on the bus if it is crowded. Next stop, Petite France! I'll meet you in Petite France on the other post. Ciao!


Rabu, 20 April 2016

New Breakfast & Waroeng Alkohol Menu at THE PEOPLE'S CAFE

Sudah cukup lama saya gak mampir ke Setiabudi One, dan setelah sekian lama, rupanya sudah banyak tenant berganti. Saya mampir ke salah satu tenant yang cukup baru di Setiabudi One yaitu THE PEOPLE'S CAFE yang dulu dikenal sebagai Ismaya Catering Cafe. Rupanya sejak berganti dari Ismaya Catering Cafe menjadi THE PEOPLE'S CAFE, ada beberapa hal yang berubah secara konsep maupun menu di tempat ini. Selain harganya menjadi lebih bersahabat, banyak inovasi menu yang dilakukan oleh THE PEOPLE'S CAFE. Salah satu menu yang paling baru adalah Breakfast Menu yang dapat dipesan mulai dari jam 8 - 11 pagi, setiap hari Senin -Jumat di Setiabudi One, dan hari Minggu di Kota Kasablanka. Yuk kita intip menu sarapan apa yang bisa dinikmati di tempat ini, dan beberapa menu baru lainnya.

Nah, berikut ini adalah beberapa menu sarapan yang sudah saya coba.

Eggcelent Potatoes - IDR 50,000

 Pertama-tama untuk menu breakfast ada Eggcelent Potatoes yang terdiri dari 2 eggs of your choice (scrambled / omelette / sunny side up / boiled), potato hash, dan suwiran ayam. Bagi yang suka sarapan yang tidak terlalu padat, menu ini dapat dijadikan pilihan.

The Big Breakfast - IDR 55,000

Buat yang lebih suka sarapan yang padat (saya misalnya), The Big Breakfast yang terdiri dari 2 eggs of your choice (scrambled / omelette / sunny side up / boiled), salad, beef sausage, chicken ham, potato hash dapat dijadikan pilihan. It was quite nice and fulfilling.

Bubur Ayam Kota - IDR 35,000

Bagi yang belum pernah berkunjung ke THE PEOPLE'S CAFE, mungkin akan mengira tempat ini banyak menyajikan makanan ala western. Namun rupanya THE PEOPLE'S CAFE menjadikan beberapa street food khas Indonesia sebagai menu andalannya. Bubur Ayam Kota adalah salah satu menu street food favorit Indonesia yang kini hadir di dalam menu breakfast THE PEOPLE'S CAFE. Semangkok bubur dengan taburan bawang goreng, cakwe, suwiran ayam, telur rebus, dilengkapi dengan kerupuk, emping, dan juga sambal ini rasanya TOP! Bubur Ayam Kota ini menjadi menu breakfast favorit saya di THE PEOPLE'S CAFE, susah sih lidahnya memang made in Indonesia.

Menu baru THE PEOPLE'S CAFE yang juga patut dicoba adalah Warhol atau Waroeng Alkohol. Jadi Warhol adalah hasil kreasi THE PEOPLE'S CAFE berupa kombinasi menu es ala Indonesia dengan liquor.

Mad Red Ruby - IDR 75,000

Mad Red Ruby ini adalah es Shanghai yang diinfuse dengan tequilla dan triple sec. Jarang-jarang saya suka es Shanghai, namun karena telah dicampur dengan tequilla dan triple sec, rasa keseluruhannya jadi tidak terlalu manis. Alkoholnya lumayan strong, namun masih tolerable. I love this Mad Red Ruby.

Twisted Cendol - IDR 75,000

Berikutnya ada Twisted Cendol yang terdiri dari es cendol dengan nangka, brown sugar, dan gin dengan classic coconut rum. Untuk menu ini, liquornya terpisah, sehingga dapat ditambahkan sesuai selera. It's unique yet enjoyable.

Drunken Sirsak - IDR 75,000

Terakhir ada Drunken Sirsak yang merupakan campuran es sirsak, gin, dan rum. Liquornya juga terpisah, jadi bisa ditambahkan sesuai selera atau toleransi alkohol masing-masing. This one was a bit too sweet for me.

Atau mungkin kalau kalian datang ke sini bukan untuk sarapan atau tidak minum alkohol, ada banyak menu lain dari THE PEOPLE'S CAFE yang bisa dipesan untuk ngobrol-ngobrol sore sambil ngemil.

Enoki & Tofu Fried Basket - IDR 25,000

Tahu & enoki goreng? What could go wrong with those two?

Grilled Cheese Sandwich - IDR 45,000

Sour dough bread with melted mozzarella and cheddar, for you cheese maniac.

Funghi Tartufata - IDR 48,000

This thin crust pizza with champignon mushroom, mozzarella, and truffle oil was so good!

Salted Caramel Chocolate - IDR 35,000

If you're a salted caramel lover like me, this Salted Caramel Chocolate (decadent chocolate, shaken with caramel & milk, whipped cream & salted caramel sauce) will be a perfect choice for you. YUM YUM sweet, salty, chocolaty and milky drink!

Jadi buat yang ngantor dekat Setiabudi One, sok lah sekali-kali mampir sarapan atau nongkrong malam menunggu kemacetan reda di sini.

Setiabudi One - Ground Floor | 021 521 0301
Grand Indonesia - West Mall - Level 5 | 021 2358 1157
Mall Kota Kasablanka - Food Society - Ground Floor | 021 2947 5170
Summarecon Mal Serpong - Main Lobby | 021 2931 0688

FB / Twitter / Instagram @peoplescafeid

The People's Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato