I'm back at Senopati area, daerah yang terus berkembang dalam hal kuliner. Pada kunjungan yang jarang-jarang saya ke daerah Senopati kali ini, saya mampir di sebuah restoran yang masih cukup baru yaitu Tredici Ristorante.Tredici Ristorante yang terletak di Jl. Suryo ini (see attached the map below) menyajikan berbagai menu Italian Cuisine.
Tredici Ristorante terletak di sisi kanan jalan sederetan dengan restoran baru 3 Wise Monkeys (dari arah Senopati), gedungnya berwarna keabu-abuan, dengan tulisan nama restoran yang cukup mudah terbaca.
Begitu masuk ke dalam, mata saya langsung tertarik kepada area dalam dengan dinding kehijauan dan bangku-bangku berwarna biru mudah dan putih. Rupanya ruangan ala outdoor itu merupakan area smoking, namun karena area indoor hanya tersisa di koridor (gambar di bawah ini) yang cenderung gelap, akhirnya saya duduk di area smoking tersebut.
Nuansa area smoking ala-ala taman ini terasa cerah dan menyenangkan, terlebih karena cahaya matahari masuk langsung ke sini. A perfect place to take your food photos, or your narcissist photos.
And now, let's eat!
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Complimentary Bread - Free |
First served is a small basket filled with breads. Potongan rotinya agak mini-mini, tapi tidak apa-apa, karena biasa saya juga tidak menghabiskan terlalu banyak karena menyisakan perut saya untuk makanan yang dipesan.
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Lonza Di Maiale Pizzaiola - IDR 96,000 ++ |
Pesanan saya yang pertama adalah Lonza Di Maiale Pizzaiola yaitu pan fried pork loin with white wine, tomato, oregano, black olives, capers, potato gratin, butter spinach.
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Lonza Di Maiale Pizzaiola |
Potongan pork loin-nya cukup besar, dan bagian atasnya terlihat cukup ramai oleh capers, tomato, dan black olives. The meat was tender and nice, but everything on the plate, the tomato taste was dominant, and except for the potato gratin tasted a bit too salty for me. The most salty element of this dish was the butter spinach. I don't know whether this dish supposed to be this salty or not, if you know, please do tell me.
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Mantova - IDR 118,000 ++ |
Next, pizza! Saya memesan Mantova yang terdiri dari tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, Italian pork sausage, gorgonzola cheese, rocket greens.
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Mantova |
The pizza crust was perfect enough for me, thin, crispy but a bit chewy. The Italian Pork Sausage was (again) a bit too salty for me, but the rocket greens were there to balance the taste. Mantova was a nice option for pizza.
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Major Apple Mojito - IDR 35,000 ++ |
You know how Jakarta was overheated this past few weeks right? So I decided to order mocktail, and above was the Major Apple Mojito (cold pressed green apple juice, muddled lime, mint soda). I couldn't really taste the apple though.
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Panna Cotta Con Fragole - IDR 42,000 ++ |
Pesanan terakhir saya adalah dessert, dan pilihan saya jatuh pada Panna Cotta Con Fragole - Italian vanilla cream pudding, strawberry sauce.
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Panna Cotta Con Fragole |
Actually before I went here, I just had my lunch (but still the two of us ordered and finished all the food above), that's why I ordered Panna Cotta, since it wasn't to heavy. How was it? Soft, sweet, yum-yum!
Jadi bagaimana kesimpulan saya tentang Tredici Ristorante? From the few meals those I tried, it was not amazing, but still, it was nice. The service was in between good and great, I might have to say depend on which waiter/waitress serve you. For Italian cuisine lovers, just go and try Tredici Ristorante.
Extra notes for my readers: forgive me for my language inconsistency, blame my brain.
Tredici Ristorante
Jl. Suryo No. 42
Tel. 021 7204567
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